The darkroom is one of the rooms in a radiology installation. The
darkroom or processing area is a dark room that means there is no visible light
that could enter the room, only a safelight that can exist in the darkroom. The
safelight suitability test aims to determine the measurement results of the safelight
test and how the feasibility of the safelight in the darkroom at the Radiology
Installation of RSUD Petala Bumi of Riau Province.
This research is a type of quantitative research using an experimental
research design. The procedure of this research was carried out following
MENKES RI number 1250 of 2009, by directly testing the safelight in a darkroom
at the radiological installation of RSUD Petala Bumi of Riau Province. The
safelight leak in the darkroom occurs when there is an increase in the density of
the radiographic film exceeds the density base fog which is measured using a
densitometer measuring instrument.
The results of this research showed that the safe time for film exposure to
safelight was very short. Safelight testing in a darkroom at the Radiology
Installation of RSUD Petala Bumi of Riau Province in 2020 has a safelight leak
and it is not recommended for use because it can affect a decrease in the quality of
the radiographic image.